
Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How long do I need to stay to receive benefit in my health?

A: This is individual and depends upon how severe the health condition is to begin with.  Usually five (5) days gives the best results, but those that can only come for a long weekend also benefit.

Q: How much will my retreat cost?

A: It depends on how long you stay, how many health therapies you have and how many supplements you purchase.

Here is an example:

3 Day Retreat (Room & Board) @ $200.00/day

Sub Total: $600.00

Initial work up (3 hours) – $200.00

Detoxification (2 hour session) – $135.00

Nutritional Counseling (1 hour) – $50.00

Reiki Energy (2 session with essential oils) – $120.00

Rain Drop (essential oil placement therapy) – $75.00

Liver Cleanses (2) Hot Castor Oil Packs (2) – $50.00

Total Cost: $1230.00

Q: What will a typical day be like?

A: You have a private room and bath – in a peaceful, healing environment.  All of your needs will be provided.  Your morning will begin with meditation and yoga postures, followed by deep breathing, relaxation exercises.  Breakfast will be fresh fruit, fruit smoothies, green high nutritional drinks and herbal cleansing supplements to detoxify.  Lemon water and herbal teas are also offered ongoing throughout the day.

Therapies will comprise an average of 4-5 hours per day.  Writing, reading, walking in the woods, having a massage or taking a mineral spring bath in the mountains will be included.

Raw vegetable juices are taken throughout the day – salads, vegetables, etc. for lunch and dinner.  You will feel Very Satisfied.  Hot packs applied to your abdomen and liver and gall bladder cleanses are taken at night. 9:30-10:00 pm is bedtime.

Q: How will I feel?

A: You will feel better each day and really wonderful by the third or fourth day.  Energized, peaceful, calm, emotionally balanced.  No cravings – will describe how you feel.  Some can experience a headache if they are getting off coffee, etc.

Q: Will I be with a group of other people?

A: No, you will be alone here with Alesandra or at the most, one other client.  This allows maximum attention to your needs.

Q: Will I have time to myself each day?

A: Yes, and as much as you want.  You decide how your retreat will be structured with Alesandra’s assistance.

Q: Will I learn enough to continue my own program at home?

A: Yes, Alesandra’s goal is to teach you as quickly as she can to take care of your own health.


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